
There are two big aspects of the photography world.  The actual picture taking part, which is the true art of the craft, and the new gadget tech junkie side.  Does your tech junkie side need a fix?

Remember, Aperture Chat is back for Season 2!

The New Aperture Chat Short Form


The guys at Aperture Chat have completely revamped their programming this week.  Rather than one long podcast style video each week, the new format focuses on having 5 daily segments, each focusing on what was one part of the podcast previously.

Monday News
Keeping you up to date.
Tuesday Product Previews and Reviews
The More Money Than Brains Club
Wednesday The Two-Way
A weekly discussion and debate.
Thursday News Redux
Because news comes more than once a week.
Friday Games and Challenges

The new format begins with Episode 15: Welcome to the New Format.  This much more easily digestible format, which they make light of as “daily chunks that you can watch while you eat your breakfast,” is generally 15-18 minutes in duration.  Even if you’re not the least bit interested in photography, they are fairly entertaining, and it’s generally not too nerdy.

Also, you can follow their blog at

Shooting Fireworks

This past weekend was Independence Day weekend here in the United States.  It’s the day we celebrate our nation’s declaration of freedom with displays of fireworks!  Fireworks can be beautiful, and until this year, I had never tried to take photographs of them before.  I like the results I got!  Check out a selected gallery on imgur.

If you’re interested in how I got these shots, or you’re new to photography and want some hints on how to control your camera, keep reading: Continue reading